Myvu Crystal, Personal Media Viewer

Myvu's personal media viewers come in several models and I was able to review the Crystal version recently.  I hooked it up to an iPod andmyvu-crystal.jpg watched a few videos while trying out the sound, too.  Then, I went to gaming and enjoyed playing a few rounds to test the viewer out.  Then, I hooked it to the television and set up a movie to see if the quality was good.

It worked a charm on the iPod while viewing videos that I had downloaded to it.  The television setup wasn't as easy for me to figure out but I was able to find the correct wires and set the Myvu glasses up to the television.  The video was fine but when I did some gaming with the headset on the color was sacrificed some.  Not a big issue, as you probably would use this on the go and not at home.

I see this set working wonderfully for airports and flights, road trips, and the ocassional movie at home (if you live with others that don't enjoy your movie choices, it's perfect).  The set is light and I wish there was some way to minimize the number of wires needed, but once I got used to using them, all went well.

The Crystal model is available in black or amber and costs around $299 and can be found at Best Buy and other electronic stores.  They also offer refurbished viewers for the cost conscious!

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