Signature Diamond speakers a joy to behold

signature-diamondIf your are the proud owner of the Moneybags surname, then check out this pair of speakers that have been released by the maestros at Bowers and Wilkins. Known as the Signature Diamond speakers, I believe there is no further explanation needed judging by the name itself. These speakers are sculpted entirely from marble and come encrusted with precious diamond crystals which claim to give a cleaner sound from the tweeters' point of view. For better acoustics, the Signature Diamond speakers are encased in marble - and here I thought it was because it just looks so much better compared to plastic or wood.

With Mother's Day just around the corner, dropping £11,000 for a pair of these is certainly out of the question for many a reader. It would be a really sweet way of proposing to your girlfriend though, surprising her with a pair of speakers to her horror, only to discover that it comes with diamonds. In the plural.

Source: Gadget Candy

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