Mechanical Mustang aids your fight against flab

mechanical-mustangRemember the good old days when Mustang meant a muscle car? How times have changed, with the Mechanical Mustang offering you a ride but in a different way. This device is meant for those who are looking into different ways and means to obtain victory in their fight against flab. Touted to be a high energy workout machine, the Mechanical Mustang simulates your body in the same manner one experiences when riding a horse. Since there are sources from Osim claiming that horse riding is healthy, and hence their iGallop, the Mechanical Mustang operates on the same principle.

Featuring a high powered motor with an intensity that can be adjusted according to your preference, the Mechanical Mustang promises you will start seeing results in front of the mirror with as little as five minutes on it every day for the entire month. At $399.95 a pop, they had better back those words or there'll be a whole bunch of disgruntled customers filing lawsuits.

Source: Red Ferret

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