Samsung SGH-E500 given leather treatment

samsung-leather-e500Designers Hyejeong Lee, Sooyoung Hwang, Sunyoung Lee, and Jiyun Park from Korea decided the normal Samsung SGH-E500 wasn't spiffy looking enough and decided to literally take matter into their own hands, removing stock plastic and metallic images by replacing them with some cow hide instead. Yes, luxurious leather now takes the place of those synthetic materials, turning what was originally a cold looking handset into something which is much more pleasing to the eyes and touch. Applied graphics on the leather really turn on the style, and it will definitely  turn eyes green whenever you whip out this special leather-clad handset.

Hopefully the bigwigs at Samsung will sit up and take notice, alerting the design and engineering team to come up with a special edition of the SGH-E500. Imagine the design possibilities on leather itself! Women are bound to clamor for one if news of an official release ever gets out.

Source: Ubergizmo

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