Pet Food Recall

Being a pet owner I find the latest pet food recall very disconcerting, therefore I felt I should alert you. Menu Foods has recalled over 60 million cans and pouches of wet dog and cat food that is making animals sick, some have even died. You can find a list of the recalled food here. ABC News reports that ten pet deaths have been linked to the recall, and countless others are now suffering from kidney failure. Veterinarians say to watch out for excessive thirst, frequent urination, lethargy and vomiting, as these are symptoms of kidney failure. You can watch the video here for more details, and please make sure you're not feeding your pet any of the recalled food.


  1. a 27 March, 2007 at 14:09

    If you’re looking for homemade diets, go to They have recipes developed by board certified veterinary nutritionists. You can get a FREE recipe by entering the promo-code “homemade” at the checkout.

  2. Victoria Reston 19 March, 2007 at 18:12

    This is a terrible tragedy. Commercial pet foods are made from all the toxic junk that gets left behind from human food manufacturing processes. After our beloved boy cat had to endure a horrible operation and months of urinary tract problems, we did a ton of research to understan how he got there – $3K later. He is a happy healthy 11 year old cat now, but what we learned then changed us for ever. Most of these brands are owned by major food companies for a reason – so nothing is wasted, and pet food is the last stop. I am shocked that it took so long for a crisis to to happen. If you care about your pet – PLEASE GO HERE, as an example, and educate yourself. . Even some of the “best” brands are guilty – for the sake of your beloved pets, please stay away from commercial pet foods. They do a ton of damage over time too, when we think we are taking care of our furry children. Please pass it along!

  3. Victoria 19 March, 2007 at 18:12

    This is a terrible tragedy. Commercial pet foods are made from all the toxic junk that gets left behind from human food manufacturing processes. After our beloved boy cat had to endure a horrible operation and months of urinary tract problems, we did a ton of research to understan how he got there – $3K later. He is a happy healthy 11 year old cat now, but what we learned then changed us for ever. Most of these brands are owned by major food companies for a reason – so nothing is wasted, and pet food is the last stop. I am shocked that it took so long for a crisis to to happen. If you care about your pet – PLEASE GO HERE, as an example, and educate yourself. . Even some of the “best” brands are guilty – for the sake of your beloved pets, please stay away from commercial pet foods. They do a ton of damage over time too, when we think we are taking care of our furry children. Please pass it along!

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