Affordable home breast scanning solution coming soon

Breastscreeningbg Breast cancer is a disease that has claimed far too many lives than it should over the years, and this is partly due to the lack of awareness of the disease among women as well as poor detection methods. Self-examination is good and all, but it is sometimes ineffective since you cannot really tell what else lurks underneath the skin with just a touch. This is where the Z-Tech Breast Scanning device comes in handy, offering a much more affordable alternative compared to mammography in a painless, radiation-free package.

According to the CEO of Z-Tech, this device is most effective when it is used on women with dense breast tissue. This is a significant point as traditional mammography dictates dense breast tissue to be its weakest point. The speed of scanning is also unparalleled, taking just a few minutes to complete without the assistance of a specially trained technician. The scanner also doesn't emit any potentially harmful ionizing radiation that is often associated with mammography x-rays.

A couple of principles drive the Z-Tech system, where malignant tumors enable electricity to pass through easily when compared to non-cancerous cells, while both breasts of the typical healthy female will display the same electrical characteristics. Before scanning can begin, the user will have to attach a flower-petal-based disc that comes with a dozen petals each over the contour of the breast, where a mild current will then pass through in over 300 combinations. Results of the scan will be routed to a bedside computer for immediate results.

How effective is the Z-Tech Breast Scanner? Well, international trials of the device have just been concluded on 3,500 subjects at 28 different sites, with initial results showing the device is capable of catching more cancer in an early stage as compared to film mammography, especially in patients who are aged 50 years and below. In addition, the panic of a false positive is considerably lessened during the initial trials. This development is good news for everyone as it will definitely go a long way in helping ladies fight this disease earlier, giving them a better chance at survival.

Source: TechReview via Shiny Shiny

1 comment

  1. River 5 March, 2007 at 21:00

    Thank you for this info. It’s about time someone came out with a less intrusive solution to mammograms!

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