Dirty Tire...No Problem

172732228 b46cb3c04b mI hate getting flat tires, but it is ten times worse when it happens on the way to a nice dinner or event. What is worse than getting to the event all dirty because you had to change a flat tire? The solution is the Flat Tire Concierge. This kit comes with a variety of items to help you stay clean while you are changing that dirty tire. Included with the kit is a mat for you to kneel on, a pair of rubber protective gloves, and a full-size elastic tire tote that will slip over any tire up to 31? in diameter. For only $24.95, this is great for those unexpected tire mishaps that seem to always happen at the wrong time.
[Product Page]  [OhGizmo]

1 comment

  1. Sophie 23 June, 2006 at 06:06

    After looking at the picture, I was hoping the product description would say, “With this product, you can easily slip it over the flat tire..use our complementary air pump to fill it with air and be happily on your way to your destination without a worry…lol..

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