The Demise of Gadget Mags

Cargo_1I'm a fan of gadget magazines, and I admit to occasionally buying Cargo, Sync, Wired, or any magazine that has gadgetry on the cover--but I'm afraid men don't share my enthusiasm for these "gadget" mags. Cargo has announced that it will print it's last issue in May after a two year run, and Sync is no longer being published. With so many websites/blogs about gadgets, who really needs a gadget magazine that mostly reiterates what you've already seen on the Internet. I'm sure most of you visit Gizmodo or Engadget to get your daily gizmo fix. There is a gadget magazine for women called CELifestyles, which is very informative, and has a lot of 'how-to' articles. But do any of you gals actually buy it? I do, but then again, it's my duty to stay updated. Do think gadget mags are necessary?


  1. Techie D 31 March, 2006 at 16:11

    Responding to Tiff: How about a printable weekly e-zine from techie diva?

    Nothing would more fun than to be able to do an weekly e-zine, but I just don’t have time. (Anyone care to volunteer?) That would be fun though, but then you have to print it, and all that. I love magazines, because–like you all have said–they are convenient, and it’s nice to take a break from the computer once in a while.

    I don’t mean to sound stereotypical, but don’t you guys think that the only reason magazine are still around is because women keep buying them? I mean how successful has the whole “men magazine” industry been in the past? I’m curious to know now.

    If these gadget mags had been targeted to women, maybe the outcome would’ve be different. Just my thoughts.;0)

  2. denise 31 March, 2006 at 14:33

    I love gadget mags, I subscribe to CE Lifestyles as well as Handheld computing and bought Cargo (allegedly for my husband). As much as I read online, there are times when I still want print. It is easier to read a magazine on the train than my laptop and a pdf. I can throw a magazine in my tote and when I’m waiting in line or in the car I can read. My laptop weighs only 4 punds, however, I don’t always want to carry it along with my pda, digital camera, and ipod everywhere

  3. Tiff 31 March, 2006 at 05:32

    I think so, but I can imagine that they dont get much money. You are right, I get most of my tech info on the net for free – me and some friends go to a restaurant here and there and we love to go to tower and grab a bunch of mags beforehand to read and share articles during lunch or dinner. i always grab the tech gadget mags then but only then. after the meal i never really look at them again. How about a printable weekly e-zine from techie diva? 😛

  4. Jennifer DeLeo 29 March, 2006 at 13:21

    I think the real question here is, do we really need print magazines? For the past several years, print advertising has declined while online advertisting has soared. People are getting their daily dose of news and information on the Web now more than ever, as opposed to print materials. Of course, the Web doesn’t offer tangibility. I tend to prefer grabbing a newspaper or book to read on the train, rather than my laptop, but I bet in the next 20 years or so, we’ll be saying bye-bye to the print industry to welcome an entire new era of publishing.

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