Turn your Blog into a Book

Blub Let me guess, you've always wanted to publish your very own book, but didn't know how to get started.  As a matter of fact, this action item has been staring back at you from your "Thing I Must Do Before I Die" list. Believe me, it's been sitting on mine for a very long time along with learning how to play guitar, and meeting Brad Pitt . Although the last two are still in the works, publishing my very own book may happen sooner than I expected. Fate has introduced me to Blurb, a publishing software that allows anyone to create their very own hardcover or softcover book.

You can even turn your blog into a book if you wanted to --a feature still in the works. Simply download their free software, and publish your book when you're happy with your results.  Publishing is pretty affordable, starting at $29.95. You can easily publish a cookbook, a poetry book, and a photo book of your favorite snapshots anytime you want. These guys are still Beta, so hurry up and get your book published, before everyone else finds out about it.

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