For Music Lovers

Gpd_3Sony Ericsson added a new media handset to their family of Walkman phones. The W950 is ultra-slim, ultra stylish, and has 4GB of storage complete with 2.6" QVGS touch screen for easy navigation. The keypad is smooth and flush with the surface and the dedicated music player keys and other controls have one-press-to-open functionality. You can transfer hours of your favorite music from your PC to your phone, as well as check email or browse the web.

Product Site
Press Release

1 comment

  1. Suroki 19 February, 2006 at 19:41

    Oh my God, I want one… This seems a lot cooler (and more stylish, IMO) than the iPod phone or whatever. *wantwantwant*

    Well, I basically want every gadget I see on this site XD. Keep it up! Love every category; you rock.

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