Terror Text in London

Girsms Police in London have launched a terror text service that alerts worried commuters via mobile phone alerts.
"Police have set up trials of the hi-tech system to send news and information appeals to the public following requests from those concerned about last month's bombing...This service enables us to send information by SMS, voice message or email about this enquiry.The new system will support a dedicated phone line which has handled 10,000 calls since the first of the terrorist attacks. It is hoped that the public will also use the new service to report incidents and to respond to appeals for information."

This is the kind of thing that makes you say "Doh! why didn't we think of that?". Definitely something we need to implement in America. Read Story.

1 comment

  1. The Bay Area Is Talking 19 August, 2005 at 07:21

    What’s the Text Message Code for “al-Qaeda”?

    The Techie Diva’s Guide to Gadgets points us to an interesting story in London’s Daily Standard. It seems authorities are launching a text messaging service for commuters worried about potential terror attacks. The Standard reports: Scotland Yard Assis…

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