"Living on" in your Gadgets

I ran across this musing by Elisa Camahort, where she asks "When do you delete someone who has died?". It's so hard for me to delete someone I don't talk to as much from my cell phone. I can't imagine how hard it would be deleting from my contacts a friend who has passed away. Elisa says:

But like Jason, running across her name is a little moment of reminder. A little space in the day when I think of her. Does that mean I would never think of her again if I deleted her virtual presence from my life? Doubtful. I have a picture of her in her 30s next to one of her in her 80s on my piano. But somehow it just seems so final and so over to "delete" her, to "erase" her. One of those cliches that people say when someone dies is that someone is never gone as long as they live on in your heart.
I think perhaps I've expanded the cliche to say: no one is really gone while you keep them in your gadgets, including iPhoto.

What do you do?  I thought I should share this post with you. At least you'll like to know you're not alone.


  1. jg 5 August, 2005 at 17:13

    About 5 years ago a friend of mine died and it was months before I could remove her from my ICQ contact list. Continuing to see her listed as “offline” got to be too much though. Maybe presence-based lists are different from cell phone lists though. Not sure.

  2. RYan 3 August, 2005 at 09:22

    Since I’m only 13, no one in my phonebook has passed away. I would definetely not delete there name from my phone or their picture from my computer.

  3. Darla Mack 1 August, 2005 at 03:02

    “Living On” in your Gadgets

    I found this on my girl Techie Diva’s site this morning and it kind of pinpointed something that I had often thought of. When and if you should delete someone’s info because they are deceased? I have often scrolled through

  4. Darla Mack 1 August, 2005 at 02:51

    “Living On” in your Gadgets

    I found this on my girl Techie Diva’s site this morning and it kind of pinpointed something that I had often thought of. When and if you should delete someone’s info because they are deceased? I have often scrolled through

  5. Darla 1 August, 2005 at 01:19

    I’m glad that I’m not alone. I use 4 different mobiles off and on during the week, and since my father passed last August, I still can’t bring myself to delete his info from any of them. Not quite sure what it means, but now that I’ve read this I know that I’m not weird!

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