Sonic Boom Bag

Backpack So you want to go camping, be one with the wilderness, but want cool tunes to transform your experience? Well, the Sonic Boom Bag may be for you. This backback can double as a boom box and media storage bag. This bag is completely portable and functions with MP3 players or portable CD.  The built in speakers and durable bag can add the style and hipness you crave out in the wildnerness or big city.

Other features include:

Built in flat panel speakers with amplifier. Hard shelled media compartment that protects your equipment. Built in remote control in the shoulder strap for easy on/off and volume up/down. Bar tacks at all seams, durable abrasion resistant fabric. Roomy storage compartment. Requires 4AAA batteries (not included).
Written by:  Marsha Altmark

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