Nokia might have launched the 7500 handset in Asia a few weeks ago, but thankfully (or not, depending on how you view the design) the Prism collection of cellphones have been made official in Europe as well. I'm talking about the Nokia 7500 and 7900 that are endowed with diamond-shaped keys on both handsets in a design that will appeal to selected groups of people. I don't really think that there is any middle ground to stand on in terms of aesthetics - it is either a love it or hate it affair. What do you think?
As for the specifications, the 7500 comes with less features, carrying a QVGA display, a 2 megapixel camera, and EDGE connectivity to help you squeeze out a half decent mobile connection. As for the 7900, users will be able to take advantage of its 1GB of internal storage and a lovely 2" OLED display for crisp, clear images. Both the 7500 and 7900 will run on the Series 40 5th Edition operating system and hit stores sometime this quarter for €210 and €400 respectively.
Source: Engadget
its series 40 5th edition (not Series 40 3rd Edition) hope you wont mind the correction 🙂