Dependency To Other Classes Can Create Technical Debt
When any class structure has to depend too much on other classes then it becomes very hard to maintain the code system properly and effectively to produce the desired result. ...Consideration Technical Backlog Is Necessary To Deal With Technical Debt
It is essential to know about the best practice to deal with technical debt because sooner you deal with it the better. It is required to know the technical work ...Writing Bad Code Is Not Technical Debt
The most vital and wrong concept of this analogy is that technical debt is what you get when you write bad code. This is total misconception. Technical debt is a ...What Is A Partnership Tax ID?
One of the first steps that should be taken when deciding you are going to start a business is determining what is going to be the business structure of your ...How Safe Is Your Smart Home?
Semi-automated smart homes were merely science fiction a few years ago. Now, with advances in fingerprint scanners, internet-connected lights, and big-data enabled thermostats, smart homes are quickly becoming the norm. ...How Technology Has Changed the Gambling Industry
Since the invention of the telegraph, when enterprising bookkeepers saw the potential offered by instantaneous long-term communications systems to their business, the gambling industry has remained at the forefront of ...Buying Your First Wireless Router
You may have been renting your modem and router from your ISP all this time, but after hearing from friends and family about the numerous benefits of purchasing your own ...Different types of POS systems
Gone are the days of the simple and venerable cash register. And also, these days, the local computerized POS system is pretty much obsolete as well but not true for ...How to Stay Connected to Your Customers
We are living in an era where digital transformation is more important than ever. It is no longer enough for a company to only operate in the offline world, and ...How Women are Breaking into Forex Trading
With the rise of entrepreneurship and the growing number of women who are starting their own business, there’s nothing surprising about a woman saying she is her own boss. But ...