Charge Your Phone, Kill Those Germs
I've been sick for the past two weeks, and looking for ways to disinfect all my peripherals. Besides using Purell before surfing, I can't think of any other way to ...US Weekly partners with Veoh
I have a weakness for celebrity gossip, especially if it includes Brangelina, Britney or other celebrity scandal. One of my guilty pleasures was reading Us Weekly, until my subscription ran ...Will the real iPhone please stand up???
Despite the Apple iPhone being touted as a revolutionary approach to the cell phone, this little gem that won the International Forum Design Product Design Award for 2007, might disprove ...We Hail Thee iPhone...sorry Cisco
Hailed as the "The Holy Trinity" we welcome least the Apple iPhone for now, since the iPhone trademark is now in dispute. On paper, the trademark belongs to Cisco, ...The Pen-It does it for Mac
Long available for the PC in the form of the Logitech IO Digital Pen, Pen-it Notes brings the functionality over to the mac-side, with a few tweaks. The Pen-It Notes ...MoGo Dapter
If you are trying to add Bluetooth extensibility to your notebook, but you can't add it via an internal module, and you haven't been thrilled with the present external (USB/PCMCIA) ...2007 Predictions!!
A new year is around the corner for all new gadgets. After Computer Electronic Show (CES) in January, everyone will get an idea of what products will be out there, ...Blogger Beta
In the past few months all the blogger users have noticed problems with Blogger. It has been real frustrating not being able to post entries or even log in! Well ...99¢ iPods, TMX ELMOs
Those 99 cent stores are crazy cool. It's a great place to buy all your cleaning supplies, or a great place to line up for a 99¢ iPod. According to ...Kate's Muttering Hat
As if we don't hear enough voices in our head, designer Kate Hartman created what she calls the Muttering Hat. The hat is constructed out of an MP3 player, headphones, ...