Zelda rules on the DS Lite
While the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass has not yet been released on the DS Lite, Nintendo's little handheld console that could already received the golden treatment in the form ...Virtual Dog Walking Craze
Honestly, I don't understand the point of video games that make you do things that are way more enjoyable outside the virtual realm. Take for example, the task of taking ...Camy Pro Gear Faceplates up for pre-order
Camy Pro Gear Faceplates for the PSP are definitely something every PSP owner ought to check out. These new plates not only come with refreshed designs, they also offer the ...Sims credit cards coming our way?
The Sims have been one of the most successful gaming franchises to date, selling millions upon millions of copies that I am surprised Electronic Arts have not come up with ...Swarovski-studded DS Lite
While the Nintendo World Store has been parading DS Lites covered in Swarovski crystals for quite some time now, those are just plain Jane versions that feature just single colors ...Nintendo DS Lite goes solar
Since we're on the topic of solar power, let us take a look at the solar powered Nintendo DS Lite. While the built-in li-ion battery of Nintendo's latest handheld already ...WiigoBot storm to perfect bowling game each time
Bowling on the Wii can be a pretty fun event, but since the Wii remote can be pretty quirky at times, it can be pretty hard to achieve strike after ...Atari 2600 goes portable
Ben Heck has cooked up a portable version of the classic Atari 2600 console, and it looks pretty good IMHO. Although the cartridge sticks out from the front like a ...Thrustmaster releases Run'N'Drive
Thrustmaster is well known for coming up with a bunch of gaming peripherals that give gamers precise controls even under the most stressful gaming situation. The company aims to outdo ...Wanted – Gamers' blood
Now this piece of news is definitely freaky - an online MMORPG operator in China (Moliyo) is offering over 120,000 players who have been banned (no thanks to their unethical ...