Aromatherapy Pens
Gadget Chick has discovered these colorful aromatherapy pens that come loaded with lovely scents of lavender, mint, rose, eucalyptus, and orange blossom. Too bad I don't use pens as often ...Conceal Your Goods
Not much to do with technology, but everything to do with fashion-hence the Diva side of us. But don't you all just hate how certain shirts just don't close around ...Mother's Day T3 Giftset
Sephora now has a Limited Edition T3 Travel Dryer Mother's Day Set ($130) that you will have to get her if she's always complaining about her hair dryer or just ...Hair Restoration HeadGear
The idea of balding is enough to scare you into trying out just about anything in the market. But have you ever heard of hair restoration headgear? Japanese health care ...Air Purification Pillow
Air Travel can be such a stinkfest, especially if the guy next to you is getting back from his Spring Break vacation, and smells just drank a whole liquor store. ...My Chemical Fragrance
Shopping for men can be quite the task. My cop-out gift is always a nice cologne. I've heard/read about these new fragrances that contain only one scent and are supposed ...Busty Workout
When gravity becomes your bust's worst enemy, break out the Bust Doctor. No creams, no surgery, just a little vibration. "How to use. Firstly, spray special healthful liquid on bust. ...Waking up with ease
The aXbo Sleep Phase Alarm Clock is ideal for those of you who have trouble syncing up your body clock. I used to be good at waking up without an ...Melting the Bulge
Everyone hates how fat cells accumulate around their waist, hips and thighs. I think everything I eat, goes straight to my bum, and sitting on it all day shapes it ...