Project iBoombox
One Boombox fan was looking for a creative way to turn that eighties boombox into a modern day iBook accessory, and this is what he ...Nano goes metal!!!!
(image courtesy of Since the Nano has been available, consumers have complained and even sued Apple because of the easily scratchable Nano. Finally Steve ...You Go, Girl Gadgeteer
Lesslie Katz and Erica Ogg from CNet wrote a story on "You go, Girl Gadgeteer". Thanks for the mention CNet! According to the article: "Out ...Ice breakers for any conversation
Ok, you are having a lot of people coming over for party, but you don't want to play Monopoly or Candyland games. Well you have ...Phones for your PC or Mobile
Hulger has developed an old concept of a phone for a new experience in your PC/MAC or mobile phone. Their concept is: " Why is ...Lego Desktop Hard Drive
Can't get enough of Lego's? Well here is the new Lego desktop hard drive "brick" by LaCie. It is a new hard drive to back ...New skin for the iPod?
Do you need a new way to spice up your iPod? Well check out the latest skin product called Gelaskin. These skins are made with ...I See the Light...Numbers
Have you ever had issues with people finding where you live because your house is either behind another building or you have just been too ...Beer Machine 2000
Do you love beer? Do you love it enough to make your own at home? The Beer Machine 2000 gives you the ability to make ...Mac Ads Get Spoofed
VH1's Best Week Ever Christian Finnegan and Nick Knoll spoof the Mac ads. It's Great!