Mobile Video
Ever find yourself out and about with video to share with others? Mobispine has the answer you need. Share videos right from your mobile phone, ...Pillow Talk Notifies You of IMs
Make blog has post about the Chatter Pillow Rebecca created. The idea is to send an alert wirelessly to the pillow alerting you of incoming ...Digital Marionette on Mac
There's a nice application that turns your Powerbook into a puppet. wrote this app taking advantage of the Powerbook's sudden motion sensor position data, ...LED Game Tables Rock!
Moritz Waldemeyer developed some very cool concepts that feature LED gaming on tables. Instead of sticking to regular games, this genius embedded LED lights and ...Dress like the Stars
Riya, the company that brought us photo recognition, has launched a new visual search engine called that will eventually let you upload photos of ...Sony VAIO Goes Graphic Crazy
Kiss the winter blues away with a hip laptop this season. Sony has added more Graphic Splash Edition laptops to their AR and C series. ...Furry PSP faceplates
Ladies if you enjoy playing the PSP but your fake nails wouldn’t let you; online store Talismoon may have a solution for you. They have ...GeoGreetings Fun
Remember that marriage proposal that popped up on Google Maps? A more effortless and streamlined way of conveying a message has arrived in the form ...Babysitter Around Your Neck
The baby-business has been going high tech for quite a few years now, but never did we actually wear an electronic baby sitter around our ...