PerCushion offers new twist to hands free conversations
Have you ever chatted with your girlfriend into the wee hours of the morning, only to find that you are left with a very hot ...Samsung/Bang & Olufsen Headset
Lucky trend-setters will be first ones wearing the Samsung's WEP 420, designed by Bang & Olufsen, sometime this month. A second version, the WEP 500 ...Pet Food Recall
Being a pet owner I find the latest pet food recall very disconcerting, therefore I felt I should alert you. Menu Foods has recalled over ...Say it with flowers...literally
What happens when you're starstruck in love with the lady of your life, giving her a bunch of roses but spoiling the moment by warbling ...Mandylion Password Manager
With the amount of online web accounts we all have now, unless you're using the same password for everything (bad idea), it's become quite a ...How to Get a Guy in Silicon Valley
This is sad. Silicon Valley girls reveal three sexy steps to attract geeky lovers. If you need a good laugh, click the video below.Nunchuck LED Mod Tutorial
The wii is hot right now. With all of the sales statistics coming out, everybody and their mom has one or is still trying to ...Tissue dispensing robot on the prowl in Japan
We all know that the Japanese are pretty big on robots, judging by the number of cartoons that feature them as well as the advances ...This shark doesn't bite but squirts
Relive your childhood through your offspring with this toy from Discovery Store. What looks like an innocent float in the shape of the deadly hammerhead ...Clicquot Loveseat for starstruck lovers
Ah, to be in love, seated in a chair together and just gazing into one another's eyes. During tender moments such as these, any old, ...