And the Geekiest Tattoo Goes To...
I4U points out that Angelina Jolie now had four lines of numbers tattooed on her arm. As we all know, these numbers are coodinates of ...Segway Mom
Matt over at Crunchgear found this picture of a mom pushing a stroller while riding on her Segway. That just doesn't look safe, and I ...Maker Faire | Burning Man for Geeks
Maker Faire is Burning Man for geeks. Watch our video and see what we discovered. We chat with: Bruce Shaprio - Using motion control for ...Lenovo ThinkPads leather bound?
Lenovo's line of ThinkPad computers have always been synonymous with the business world, featuring men and women in power suits, toting a ThinkPad in one ...Malignant Mole Bikini a novel concept
Fiona Carswell, an artist and graphic designer, has certainly come up with a very interesting fashion device in the form of the Malignant Mole Bikini. ...Automatic Pet Feeder
Are you a cat or a dog person? Regardless of either pet, one of the main concerns that prevent you from taking long breaks at ...Keep your feet warm with a...powerbrick?
Things can and will definitely get deathly cold when winter falls upon us, which is why it is essential to have a proper heating system ...Pico WiFi Radio free from wires
I love Internet radio as there are way less commercials on the station when compared to terrestrial radio. Unfortunately, to tune in an Internet radio ...Suono unveils cloth cases for DS Lite
While the Nintendo DS Lite is already sexy on its own, Japanese manufacturer Suono has decided to come up with a case design of its ...Robots have relationships, too
Sega Toys of Japan have come up with a pretty interesting toy which consists of a family of robots. Known as the Hako Robo (Robots ...