Serious Gamers, Take Note
If you take gaming seriously this chair is something 'out of this world' for you. The Snowcrash Netsurfer has an excellent design that is created ...Color Cube Speaker Lights Up Your Life
There's no shortage of speakers for your iPod these days, are there? You can choose from many shapes and colors, but the Color Cube Speaker ...Wacky Tech: Air-Conditioned Tie
It's hot out there, I know. But nothing in this world justifies wearing a USB Air-Conditioned Tie to work. Now if you live in Japan, ...Hearing Aids for the Young at Heart
Everyone is at risk of losing their hearing at any time, especially today's iPod loving fans who haven't downloaded that volume control program. If you ...Bike Vending Machine
In a major attempt of becoming a more environmentally friendly society, a Dutch company has installed bike dispensers in Amsterdam. Each bike has RFID chips ...Show Her You Care with a Mix Tape USB
Most of us remember making mix tapes for those special people that made us feel all weird inside. I never really made one for a ...DualMusicPlayer Thrills
The DualMusicPlayer was designed to make you look like the coolest kid on the block. That doesn't mean it's completely practical! No, not the goal ...Fabric clock warps fashion into time
Most desktop alarm clocks are just that, looking plain and boring. After all, you wouldn't really put too much thought into how a tiny timekeeping ...Shock your DS Lite into some chrome
As most of you already know, the Nintendo DS Lite comes in more colors and design variations than you can shake a rainbow at. Announcement ...Luxeed keyboard lights up your life
I can vouch for the fact that keyboards are some of the most unattractive objects on the average office desk since most of them come ...