Clip-On Tray with Light
If you find that your living room is a little too cramped to have yet another piece of furniture, why not consider the Clip-On Tray ...Hymini Portable Wind-Powered Charger
Solar-powered chargers aren't exactly new, but how many of us have a portable charger that uses the wind to provide juice for your gizmos? That's ...Thinner, More Portable GPS
The new Magellan Roadmate 1200 is being marketed as a great entry-level GPS device. It's thinner than other models available and doesn't cost as much ...Vertical Mouse
There is a big push toward ergonomic devices these days and some companies take a futuristic approach to the challenge of creating devices that cater ...Ornaments With A Difference
This year put some creativity into your holiday decorating by finding unique and fun ornaments for your fiber optic tree. These specialty ornaments made of ...ADS Tech Instant Music Device
Transferring all your music collection from the analogue format to digital can be quite a headache, but thankfully you don't have to head down to ...Vibrating Bluetooth Bracelet
If you hate wearing a Bluetooth headset wherever you go, but can't live without one since a wired headset is way too inconvenient, then perhaps ...Auto sensing coasters expedites hangover
It isn't too often that you see your bartender read your mind, knowing exactly when you need another drink when you've downed your pint. This ...Christmas Tree ornament recycles mouse
Having trouble deciding on what you want to hang on your Christmas tree this year? Why not take a geek approach? A Christmas ornament for ...