Life Clock is your digital doppelganger
Young adults who grew up on a diet of Tamagotchi, here's something interesting that turns the tables on you. The Life Clock from Jinsei Tokei ...eMachines EL1200 desktop PC
eMachines wants to change the way desktop PCs are, moving onto smaller and smaller form factors compared to the bulky monstrosities that we have seen ...Solar-powered camels to the rescue
Health workers who need to reach villages in rural areas while carrying vaccinations often find it a great challenge, because these vaccines need to remain ...Cowon O2 portable media player launched
Cowon has just rolled out its O2 portable media player in its home market, Korea. This flashed-based PMP will be out next Monday there, featuring ...Concept Nokia phone with substrate-filled display
Touch screen cell phones are all the rage these days, but unfortunately for many, one of the major drawback of such a display is this ...USB Mouse Wheel for some mindless entertainment
I know that USB ports are a premium these days considering the number of devices connected to a computer that relies on USB, but for ...Energy Seed concept helps with recycling process
Although alkaline batteries aren't exactly the greatest for the environment since they can't be recharged and most of the time, people don't dispose of them ...AO-Lab SSD drives feature eSATA and USB ports
AO-Lab has a brand new range of SSD drives that looks pretty much like a USB flash drive, featuring a USB connector with eSATA connectivity ...USB Flower Lamp
Winter will soon be upon us, and it makes perfect sense if you're already starting to feel the blues. Most of the flowers outside in ...Elettronico Faucet is high tech
Just when you thought that faucets were nothing but pieces of metal that provide water when you need it, along comes the Electtronico Faucet that ...