2007 Predictions!!
A new year is around the corner for all new gadgets. After Computer Electronic Show (CES) in January, everyone will get an idea of what ...Halo Kitty T Shirt & Threadless.com
This is the coolest T-shirt out there for all you girl/women Halo gamers! It is a t shirt made by Magilla-DA-Killah and it is on ...Blogger Beta
In the past few months all the blogger users have noticed problems with Blogger. It has been real frustrating not being able to post entries ...Condolences to Kim Family
All of us here at Techiediva.com would like to give our condolences to the Kim family for their loss. This has been a hard time ...Nike Amp +
Remember the old Nike iPod Hack post? Well, Engadget found a new cool Nike iPod accessory called the Nike Amp on the 2007 Men's Health ...Tivocast, Treo 680, Sweet Skins, Zune
A little review of the new Tivocast, Sweetskiz, & Treo 680 on amazon. Another thing. We would like do know what you think about the ...Understanding How RSS Works
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a web content syndication format (XML-based) that is used for content distribution. Confused yet? I was until I started learning ...Babysitter Around Your Neck
The baby-business has been going high tech for quite a few years now, but never did we actually wear an electronic baby sitter around our ...Griffin iKaraoke
Griffin Technology has done it again with the iPod. One of the coolest products out there for this winter is the iPod iKaraoke. This iKaraoke ...MP3 Bike Player with Speakers
One of my favorite catalogs is Hammacher Schlemmer. They also have the new cool techie gadgets. However they have this new MP3 player for your ...