Waterproof bag for your laptop
I know that times are hard with oil surpassing the $120 mark per barrel, and that the economy back home is in tatters, so people ...Koss Susan G. Komen StereoBudz Earbuds
Want to do your bit in the fight against breast cancer? The solution is simple - just spare $14.99 and pick up this pair of ...Buddha Cell Phone
Now isn't this one of the weirder cell phones you have come across? The Buddha cell phone definitely does away with Buddha's Middle Path where ...Flower Nurse helps you get some practice in
I know that taking care of plants well is often classified as something you either have, or don't. After all, it seems as though some ...LED lights to spruce up your home
Designer Jörg Schieber has come up with these LED lights for German company Chameledeon. They are pretty much minimalist in nature, featuring a remote switch ...Devotec Solar Charger
Energy costs are slowly but surely rising, no thanks to demands from growing populations in India and China while the rest of the industrialized world ...MacGyver watch for the adventurous
I'm pretty sure everyone who grew up in the 1980s will have fond memories of the MacGyver TV show, where the main protagonist was a ...KickTrak for moms-to-be
Since January is the National Birth Defects Prevention Month, it makes perfect sense to gift your wife the KickTrak device. Designed by an obstetrician, kickTrak ...Mosquito Trap deadly for pests
With summer coming up, the change in weather will definitely make it more conducive for them pesky mosquitoes to breed, and these bloodsuckers aren't exactly ...Binkini revolutionizes clothing
We've seen all sorts of bikinis in stores before, but don't be surprised when you come across the Binkini in the near future! This innovative ...