Cooling/Heating Automobile Seat Cushion
What I like about the Cooling/Heating Automobile Seat Cushion is the fact that you can use this no matter which part of the globe you're ...iPhone Tattoo Protector Set
The iPhone is definitely one cool gadget to own, even if it doesn't boast all the bells and whistles found in other more advanced handsets. ...PC of the Swim-Rings concept
While this concept is a cool idea, I don't think it will ever take off since I would love to stay away from work while ...Puzzle Calendar boggles the mind
Calendars are pretty much an essential office item, but in this modern day and age, many people have already moved on to the digital format. ...Sanyo HD1010 Xacti Camcorder
Sanyo has a new Xacti camcorder out, and this time they have moved on to the world of High Definition. It might be small in ...Battery operated Mascara
Estee Lauder is no stranger to the world of cosmetics, and it has forged a new path with a tube of vibrating mascara, widely believed ...Philips Aqualight floating LED candle
Bring on the romance with the Philips Aqualight floating LED candle - this waterproof gizmo is perfect for recreating that candle ambience without the risk ...USB Tie from Thanko
Things seem to be hotting up in Japan, or at least that's what Thanko wants us to think with this new air-conditioned tie. Made out ...Motorola Q
With so many new mobile phones being released you probably reach a point where you have no idea what each model has to offer and ...Heart-shaped USB Speaker
What you see here is an abomination, at least by my standards. After all, something so pink and yet fragile looking certainly won't do the ...