Malignant Mole Bikini a novel concept


Fiona Carswell, an artist and graphic designer, has certainly come up with a very interesting fashion device in the form of the Malignant Mole Bikini. This sexy piece of swim wear actually starts to display patches of malignant melanoma the longer you stay under the sun, giving you the signal that it is time to find some shaded relief in order to avoid developing skin cancer down the road many years from today. This is a neat idea, and with summer just around the corner, it makes perfect sense to have these sold in stores as everyone goes out to get some much needed sunlight.

I must say that having moles appearing on your swimsuit could seem like a fashion faux pas, as from far it looks as though you have spilled some BBQ sauce on it and failed to get the stain washed off. I wonder whether the same technology can also be applied in children's clothing, helping parents identify the time when their kids need to get indoors.

Source: Medgadget

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