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5 Tips to Make Your Content Stand Out

Content is a big part of many business marketing strategies, and rightfully so, it's a great tool. However, there's also plenty of competition, which means to see the rewards of content marketing, your content has to stand out from the crowd.

Luckily, you can take a few simple steps to make sure your content is achieving maximum effect.

Content Schedule

Consistency is key to content marketing, so a great place to start is by creating a content schedule. Whether you're working with a team of writers or you are your own writer, editor, and publisher, it helps to be organized and know exactly what you need to do and when.

For bigger projects, you can use work order software to keep track of things and make sure you're putting out regular content. Consistency is key, so make sure you're scheduling things well.

Understand Your Audience

There's no point in putting out content unless it resonates with people. For this to happen, you need to understand what your target audience looks like and what they want from you.

Many businesses focus too much on themselves when they start creating content, but instead, they should be focusing on their audience's wants and needs. Use the data that you have available to you to help you understand your "reader persona" and then create content around this picture of your audience.

Target Keywords

Once you have an idea of what your audience looks like, you can start figuring out how they search for their information. One important aspect of this is keywords. If you know the kinds of questions people are typing into the search engines or social media, then you can craft content around those keywords.

It's not always about finding the keywords with huge search volumes, but finding the balance where you're going to reach people, but you've also got a chance of ranking. There will be keywords where you can rank well and reach a good number of your target audience.

Grab People's Attention

Getting people to your site might be the first step, but you need them to stick around and actually engage with the content once they're there.

You've got a limited amount of time to grab people's attention, which means you've got to put a lot of emphasis on your title and first paragraph. Your title needs to be eye-catching and make people want to read further, and then the first paragraph has to assure people that they're not wasting their time if they keep on reading.

It's a difficult balancing act, but you've got to earn people's attention.

Offer Value

If there's just one thing your content achieves, then let it be that it offers the reader value. There is no substitute for creating high-quality content, and it will help you achieve your goals.

You're putting time and energy into creating this content, so you might as well make it the best it possibly can be. Be prepared to go the extra mile, and take the opportunity to produce something special.