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How Hard is it To Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Living up to our commitments and putting some old habits behind us can be challenging for several reasons. [JP1] Sometimes, this is due to the fact that our initial goals were way beyond our capabilities. Our inability to fulfill our promises makes us disappointed and we feel an intense sense of failure when we do not achieve the goals we set ourselves. Sometimes our best efforts end in failure because we did not seek help.

Specifically, this can be true when quitting smoking becomes your main commitment. Mentally and emotionally, quitting can be difficult. Moreover, overcoming nicotine addiction may have a strong physical effect on your body.


Only 4-7% of people who have tried to quit smoking cigarettes have been successful. Counseling and medications from your healthcare provider will help a great deal as these will double your chances of being successful.

Nicotine gets to the brain 10 seconds after it is inhaled, and it triggers the release of dopamine. When dopamine is released, withdrawal symptoms reduce as smokers feel pleasure, making them feel calm. Sadly, as the dopamine effects wear off, these symptoms return, and with them the urge to smoke. The urge to smoke cigarettes increases with unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, depression, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.


It will take more than just willpower to stop smoking cigarettes. The blame game is usually played if a smoker who’s trying to quit finds himself smoking again. But truly, you shouldn’t be ashamed if you go back to smoking cigarettes.

It takes an average of 6-11 tries before actually succeeding, thus, every smoke-free day should be considered a success. Visit this website to learn more.

Quitting cigarettes might seem like an unrewarding commitment, especially when the short-term urges seem like they just won’t go away. The fact that you have tried a number of times without succeeding does not mean you won’t be successful with another try. To be successful at quitting smoking, you have to be prepared because it challenges you physically, mentally and behaviorally.

If you’ve tried to kick the habit in the past and failed, don’t be afraid — there are various resources and tools you can adopt to help you quit.

You can get help from your healthcare provider, and support from your family and friends. You can also access resources made available to people who are ready to quit if you belong to any quitters’ group.

When you are trying to find the motivation to help you through this time, you have to remember that you are not alone. Quitting can be very difficult as smoking is bigger than a bad habit — it’s an addiction.

Do not feel discouraged, nor write off your loved ones if quitting takes a while. It is more than a day’s job. Raise your head and shoulders high and give it another try. Every minute you are smoke-free counts and is part of your success story.

Becoming smoke-free is not a one-time thing; it is a journey that you take day by day, one step at a time.