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Staying Safe Online: How the PaySafeCard Can Help

As a nation, we’re increasingly switching to shopping online. Research conducted by Statista shows that the internet retail sector is thriving, with worldwide sales expected to almost double over the four-year period from 2016 to 2020.

Indeed, during a study conducted in April 2017, 40 percent of those surveyed were already buying online several times per month, with an additional 20 percent stating that they bought items or services over the internet on a weekly basis.

This is a trend that has only strengthened in the intervening two years, but that doesn’t mean internet shopping is entirely without risks. In fact, every time you purchase online you open yourself up to the possibility of falling victim to cybercrime.

It’s a worrying reality, but thankfully, one that can be safeguarded against so long as you know how best to protect yourself. Although there are lots of methods and means out there, there is one in particular that’s proving effective: the PaySafeCard.

Let’s take a look at what it is and how it works.

What is a PaySafeCard?

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For those who spend much of their time online, it will come as no surprise that there are cybercriminals out there. These individuals or groups will do all they can to access your sensitive information, primarily in the hopes of hacking into your finances and getting their hands on your funds.

The PaySafeCard was introduced as a means of combating this. Established all the way back in 2001, it has grown to become one of Europe’s leading prepayment cards. Its function is a simple one – to offer a secure way of making online payments – and it is incredibly effective in achieving this end.

Essentially, the card allows the individual to make their financial transactions in an entirely anonymous fashion, with no need to disclose any personal or financial information to the website they’re purchasing from.

It is now widely accepted by dozens of different retailers, with the online betting sector being particularly accommodating. Indeed, it’s so popular as a payment method that directory sites like Bonus Source have whole pages dedicated to the casinos that accept it. Such resources are used by many gamblers each and every day who wish to make use of this additional layer of security.

What are the advantages of using a PaySafeCard?

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Although it is widely used by those who gamble on a regular basis, the online casino sector is not the only industry to accept this method of payment. There are hundreds of retailers out there who appreciate the consumers' desire for protection online, and accepting the PaySafeCard is just one of the ways in which they accommodate this.

So, what it is about the card that helps to keep you safe? The primary perk of a PaySafeCard is that it allows the users’ personal and financial information to remain entirely anonymous, and thus secure, throughout the buyer/seller interaction. This is, of course, a major boon for anyone who prioritizes their privacy and wants to do their utmost to keep their banking details out of the hands of hackers.

However, this is not its only advantage. The card also has to be preloaded, which means the user can only access an amount that has been specifically selected and set by them. The result is that it’s impossible to get caught up in the moment and overspend, so finding yourself in debt is something you needn’t worry about.

Tell us, in our high-tech world, where half of our lives are spent online, would a PaySafeCard be something you’d consider taking out?