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How to Get a Good Bird Feeder

If you have birds flying around your yard and you want to keep them happy and healthy, what you could do is get a quality bird feeder. Seeing how there are literally thousands of alternatives available out there nowadays, it goes without saying that you might find it difficult to choose just one.

We’re here to help you, and we’ve put together a list of aspects that you ought to bear in mind if you want to make sure that your birds are well fed and taken care of.

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Build quality and design

Although it might be rather hard for you to separate the wheat from the chaff, especially when you’re trying to tell whether the unit you’re thinking of spending your cents on is good quality or not, we do have a tip you might want to take into account.

Look at some of the most popular models available at online retailers and read other customers’ reviews. This practice will help you tell whether you risk investing in something that is or isn’t worth the while.

As for the design, bird feeders come in many shapes and sizes and are made for various species. Consider the type of birds that visit your garden every day and whether they’re going to need smaller or larger seeds.

Do you want a model that will also allow the birds to have some rest or maybe even take a little bath? Believe it or not, there are units that have spaces where you can pour some water and a separate component explicitly made for feeding.

What’s it made of?

When it comes to durability, bird feeders made out of plastic might not be winners, and as such, they might not be able to withstand the test of time. That isn’t the case with metal ones, for example. In fact, one of the most versatile designs we came across is made of metal and features metal wire, too.

Besides all that, you should take note of the aesthetics of the unit to make sure that it works well with the rest of your yard furniture or whatever you might keep in that space. If the bird feeder creates a shocking discrepancy when being placed next to the rest of the furniture, you might not need it, or you might just have to get it in a different color or design.

Pest-repelling systems

One of the best ways of making sure that the birds get to eat the food you’ve left them is to avoid setting up the feeder in an area where pests might be able to reach it. Garden pests can wreak havoc in your yard and therefore taking steps to prevent them in the first place is strongly recommended. For instance, at the first sign of a pest infestation, do not hesitate to contact a local exterminator. Accordingly, you can find some helpful pest control tips and resources on the Pest Control Experts website here: Ultimately, the most basic and effective squirrel-proof bird feeder is one that won’t allow the animal to reach inside and grab the seeds.

There’s also the option of you selecting a feeder that can be glued to your window and that will let only smaller birds feed. If not, do make sure to hang the feeder in an area where baby squirrels can’t get close.