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The Best Apps to Help Busy Parents



Working and raising children requires patience, multitasking capabilities and even more patience. But the parents of today can get a helping hand from technology. Here are the apps that Stacey of One Small Human recommends.

Baby and Child First Aid by the British Red Cross

This is an app I have fortunately never had to use. But it’s so reassuring to know that I would have this wealth of information at my fingertips if something happened to one of my little ones.

It’s completely free too! Download it here.


Baby Tracker

The early days with a newborn can be a whirlwind of feeding, changing and trying desperately to sleep. So remembering things like when baby last fed or had a nappy change can be tricky. When you’re sleep deprived, the littlest facts are harder to commit to memory.

This app helps you log little bits of information. I only used this for the first few days with a baby but it really helped me to answer my midwife’s questions accurately too.

Another freebie that you can download right here.


iPhone Notes and Siri!

Sleep deprivation and remembering things don’t go well together. Similarly, writing reminders down when you’ve typically got your hands completely full isn’t easy either. But the in built iPhone notes is fully compatible with Siri. So if you need to make a quick note of something to pick up from the shops or similar, you can simplyinitiate Siri and say to your phone:

“Siri, please note that…”

Followed by whatever your note it.

This has become an absolute lifesaver for me!

Reminders and Siri

Much like the above, you can say,

“Siri, please remind me at 10am to….”

This will give you a little reminder alarm with whatever you need reminding about at the time you specify.

Potty Training Time

Potty Training Time helps you to get your toddlers potty trained. Rewards charts, stickers and progress tracking are all in one place with this application and you can download it free right here.

Making Life Easier

I hear it from my Mother all the time… “We used to manage without things like this!” And yes, they did! Our parents and grandparents managed splendidly without any help from technology. But I have no guilt about taking advantage of whatever help is available for me and these apps have brilliant in taking away some of the little inconveniences and helping me to focus on spending time with and enjoying my sons.