
Lego dress for geek fashionistas

legodressWho says you can't be stylish and geeky at the same time? Here's the Lego Dress by designer JC De Castelbajac that has printed the famous Lego brick design all over it in different colors, and just like Lego bricks that are able to fit to one another perfectly (it's magic, I know!), this dress will also fit all shapes and sizes, as long as, you know, it comes in your size. Well, would you fork out $135 for this perfect summer dress (to those who're living in the northern hemisphere, of course)?

Source: Geek Sugar


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  2. DerbyTims 8 September, 2009 at 08:53

    Interesting I wonder if this is part of Legos (Registered Trademark) licensing program. As a Fashion statement I would have to say NO. However if you take the pattern and put it on tshirts in children sizes It would sell wonderfully.

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