
Nabaztag gets RFID Mirror companion

nabaztagrfid1Remember the cute Nabaztag Wi-Fi Bunny? The Mirror by Violet is now available at Think Geek to compliment this cool gizmo.   It basically comes with several RFID tags you can attach to objects, that way when you place the object on the mirror, it begins to pull up actions or tasks you've programmed into the chip. For example, if you place a Ztamp on your keychain, it could immediately pull up Google Maps, send a message to your family, or pull up your favorite sites.  The Mirror comes with 3 Ztamps tags, and two mini-rabbits. The gizmo is compatible with both Mac and PC.  You can watch a video of how it works here if you wnat to see it in action.

Shiny Shiny shows us a more practical use for these tags in the video below. Amusement, a French magazine, inserted one of these chips inside the magazine, so when placeed on the Mirror, it immediately launches a more interactive experience with extra content, video and music feeds. It's definitely an interesting twist to the little Nabaztag experience.

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