
Amazon may launch new Kindle in February

kindleIf you're an avid reader, then hold off on all the other Valentine's day gadget ideas for now because  the New York Times is sure that a new Kindle is on the way.  Amazon has not exactly confirmed the rumor, but it will hosting a news conference at the Morgan Library & Museum in New York on February 9th.

If the rumors are true, the revamped Kindle 2.0 would have a better interface and operating controls.  Boy Genius Report had apparently gotten some spyshots of a Kindle prototyp last year with a slightly different keyboard, a joystick that replaces the scrolling wheel, and smaller buttons.

Other rumors  circulating since last year include a Kindle version for college students that would come in different colors and have a bigger screen to accomodate textbooks, although I wouldn't hold my breath for that one.

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