Wall-E arrives on iRobot Roomba 530

We all know just how cute Wall-E was during his run in the cinemas earlier this summer, and he has truly earned the title of being the cheekiest robot in the universe. After all, he had no inkling of what a bra is all about, right? Wall-E's function in the movie is to collect and compress rubbish into a square, stacking those squares up nicely day after day without complain. Well, it makes perfect sense for Disney to tie up with iRobot with the new iRobot Roomba 530 Wall-E edition. Apart from the Wall-E sticker on it, it is but a standard Roomba 530, making me wonder why would anyone want to fork out $50 more compared to the standard Roomba 530, all for the sake of an additional sticker? Ah well, perhaps the limited edition run of just 400 units have something to do with it as it arrives in Japan this November 20th.

Source: Engadget

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