AOC Envision Series

Have you made the jump to the world of High Definition yet? If you have not, will you consider the AOC Envision Series that comes in three flavors - the 19" L19W861, the 26" L26W861 and the 32" L32W861 LCD TVs?

This line of HDTVs are designed to fit the needs of consumers in an urban living environment, with sizes and resolutions specifically tailored for optimum viewing with limited space. They are designed to look cool in any room and meet the demands of how today’s consumers use TVs, such as HD gaming in a bedroom, watching TV in the kitchen, or a movie in the den.

Some of the shared specifications include :-

  • Resolution: 1,440 x 900 (19”), 1,366 x 768 (26”, 32”)
  • HDMI Video Input (2 on 32” model)
  • PC Input with Audio
  • Digital ATSC and Clear QAM Tuner
  • Swivel base

The L19W861, L26W861 and L32W861 will retail for $299, $499 and $599, respectively.

Press Release

1 comment

  1. Robkendrick 6 April, 2009 at 06:17

    Well if you say so, but I am not sure most people would agree…I mean if you really think about it. for further information go to the link given below.
    Aoc gold

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