Liquid Underwater Mask

Are you a big fan of snorkeling and diving? If the answer is yes to both underwater sports, then the Liquid Underwater Mask is just the device for you. It not only helps protect your eyes from the stinging sea water during your dives, it also comes with a built-in digital camera right smack in between both lenses. You will be able to choose from 3 or 5 megapixel CMOS sensor models, and other features include an LCD display, 16MB of internal memory, a microSD memory card slot (up to 2GB in capacity), a USB port (presumably to transfer data directly) and video recording capability at VGA resolution at 25fps. It will retail in Japan for 75€ and works up to depths of 30 meters. Just make sure the camera is dried out before you place it near a computer for data transfer.

Source: Akihabaranews

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