Micro Projector works wonders

Mention the word projector and you will probably be faced with the image of something large, bulky and heats up way too easily. Thankfully, the advance in technology has managed to miniaturize many devices, including the traditional projector. This diminutive sized projector isn't exactly the highest resolution of the lot, but what more can you ask for for something its size? After all, it retails for approximately $200 and measures 6.7? x 3.9? x 3.5?, being small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It will cast an image around 30" diagonally, anything more than that will greatly degrade the image quality (480 x 240 resolution). Four AA batteries will be able to power it for up to 2.5 hours, so make sure you stock up on rechargeable batteries before picking this up.

Product Page via Technabob

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