Zoombak GPS Locator for your pooch

If you're a worry wart who happen to own a dog, perhaps the Zoombak GPS Locator is the right gadget for you. Weighing a mere 2.5 ounces, the Zoombak GPS Locator will attach to your dog's collar comfortably, featuring a durable and secure pouch. Your pooch's location can be pinpointed online on Zoombak.com, through a cellphone or even live customer care, although I think it would be pretty irresponsible to let Fido run around unsupervised just because you want to catch up on the latest TV shows in your living room. The Zoombak GPS Locator retails for $199 and is completely water resistant, featuring a 5-day standby battery.

Product Page via TRFJ


  1. Hot News » Zoombak 1 May, 2009 at 00:50

    […] sobre navegadores GPS…Lightning Round: Zoombak GPS Tracking Device [Review] | tech news blog…Zoombak GPS Locator for your pooch | Techie Diva…Zoombak GPS Tracker + Mobile Location Request | MultiCellPhone News…GPS Systems To Track Car | […]

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