Bluetooth With Style

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A must-have accessory is the Bluetooth headset and one that really shows style is the Aliph Jawbone Bluetooth Headset.  It's silver and sleek and has noise shield technology, to keep the noise out and your voice clear.

Neat features like an automatic change in volume and frequency for your callers' voice and a dynamically adjusted setting, makes this a great choice for people on the go that tend to talk in noisy environments.  Jawbone makes the changes necessary to keep your call sounding crisp.

Some Bluetooth headsets only work in one ear and are uncomfortable to use if you choose another, this one claims to work in both ears comfortably and easily.  The headset has great reviews and seems to really do what it promises.  Runs around $89 and seems to be well worth the expense compared to other models that were tried.


  1. GLENN BISHOP 29 December, 2007 at 11:41

    Is bigger then I thought and does not fit into my ear properly and is not comfortable around my ear, but I paid too much for it to throw it away.

  2. Jim Compoli 28 December, 2007 at 06:54

    My new Jawbone is not loud enough when used with my HTC Tilt AT&T. I also have a problem with the ear piece breaking in the jawbone. This is from bending them to get a tight fit. I do not require that you post this however any help would be appreciated.

  3. maureen heffern 13 December, 2007 at 11:15

    I love my jawbone, but the charger cords are not solid at all, little plastic inside wears down quickly. I have already been thru 2 chargers and had to order more.

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