H&M Shopping Posters for Impulsive Buyers

I'm as impulsive as the rest of you when it comes to shopping, but putting barcodes on posters so I can get myself into more debt is just wrong! H&M is tapping into a large segment of the population that's gotta have everything right now by adding semacode bars to advertising that goes inside the glossies, as well as billboards placed on buses and outside shopping malls. Scanning the semacode with your cellphone brings up the retailers page on your mobile so you expedite the purchase of that great looking pair of jeans seen on the ad. Here you'll pick size and color, and whatever you buy is instantly billed to your cell phone bill. To add to our demise, the company is also adding these semacode labels to clothing, so you can scan your girlfriends top, and get one in your size too. I think hell is carving out a special place for H&M as we speak.


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