DualMusicPlayer Thrills

The DualMusicPlayer was designed to make you look like the coolest kid on the block.  That doesn't mean it's completely practical!  No, not the goal at all...you want to be different and have capabilities beyond your pals scope of imagination, right?

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The DMP plays MP3's and your favorite music when in 'compact' mode but spin a few CDs in it and change the look at the same time.  Open up the DMP and insert a CD (of course you have to set it down during this part, don't wear it around your neck and try to listen to a CD) and you have a very different, conceptual looking, CD player.

You can bet your co-workers don't have one yet so if you like to have cutting edge devices, this would be one for you to try out.  Designed by Yong-Seong Kim, there are only a few choices many readers of the Yanko Design site had and one was to make it read CD's to save your music on the run, and really create a useful tool for the music lover.  A good idea we might see on the racks?

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