Party Timer updates party craziness


What's a party if there aren't enough people making noise to bring the whole house down? Other than causing the cops to bear down on your home to inform you that the entire cohort is making too much noise for the entire neighborhood to handle, you can always hang up the Party Timer and see it get to work almost immediately. The secret behind the Party Timer is its integrated sound sensor that detects the current noise level and displaying a corresponding image.

There are a grand total of 9 different party types up for display complete with pictures that help reinforce the message visually in a humorous manner. These nine comprise of "No Party", "Romantic Party", "Talking Party", "Lite Party", "Music Party", "Dance Party", "Club Party", "Mega Party", and "Atom Party" in an ascending order. Once all the drunken mayhem is over, the Party Timer will revert to a more laid back mode by displaying the time digitally.

Source: Ubergizmo

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