Illuminated USB Oil Burner

usb-oilburnerWorking is a task that the majority of us find to be most dreary, but the paycheck at the end of every month is what keeps us going. If your boss is an unforgiving slave driver who cracks the whip at the sight of anyone dropping below his impossibly high standards, chances are you're going to develop a whole head of white hair in a matter of months instead of decades as nature intended. What better way to soothe yourself even under pressure cooker corporate environments than breathing in some relaxing essential oils, courtesy of the Illuminated USB Oil Burner?

This unique device can be hooked up to a notebook or desktop as long as there is an available USB port nearby. Just make sure you have the necessary oils in place before turning it on. It even comes with smoe tacky color changing lights to help soothe your jangled nerves. At AUD$39.95 a pop, the Illuminated USB Oil Burner makes a great gift for your colleague.

Source: TRFJ

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