Women's wallet go digital

womens-digital-walletStop any lady on the street at random, ask them for their purse/wallet, and you'll probably see an accordion of photos depicting their loved and closed ones, along with a bunch of baby pictures that are most probably those of their grandchildren. All those photos sure add to the bulk in any purse/wallet, which is why this Women's Digital Photo Wallet from Brookstone solves an age-old problem with a little infusion of modern technology.

This handsome wallet is made from leather and comes with a removable digital photo viewer, featuring enough storage space to keep up to 55 color images on the go. While the 1.4" display might not amount to much, at least it enables you to view a wide range of photos. File transfer is done via the included USB cable, and the rechargeable battery within the photo viewer ensures you need not waste more money purchasing new ones. You can pick one up today for $50.

Product Page via Ubergizmo

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