Go for gold with Motorola V3i

motorola-v3i-aloissonWhile the Motorola V3i has been around for quite some time already, it has not escaped the attention of Peter Aloisson who has taken his opulent design streak and applied it to the humble V3i. Despite sharing the same innards as every other V3i in the market, this handset comes in a stainless steel gold version that guarantees to set your face alight with glee while others at your table turn green with envy. As if the Midas touch is not enough, Aloisson has so kindly thrown in 855 diamonds into the fray, weighing a total of 3.8 carats on the cover.

Of course, such extravagance comes at a price and you will have to be prepared to part with £5,000 for this handset. Those who still want to impress their girlfriends or reconcile with their wife after a particularly bitter quarrel but do not have that much cash to spare can always check out the stainless steel version with all 855 diamonds for a more affordable (but still insane) £2,000.

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