Spy-Cye lightens housework load

spycyeEver had way too much housework to handle, that you sometimes wish that husband of yours would actually help out with stuff like vacuuming? Although Valentine's Day is over, it is not too late to bug him to pick up this Spy-Cye Robot for you, as it will definitely be a welcome addition to the family. What does this robot do for your house exactly, you ask? For starters, it is smart enough to perform tasks such as delivering the mail as well as serve tea and biscuits to guests.

Heck, I suspect men will help out their wives more at home if given the chance to do so with a little help from technology. This is where the Spy-Cye Robot comes in handy, since it is remotely controlled from a computer. Your man can now vacuum the house (yes, the Spy-Cye even vacuums!) from the comfort of his La-z-Boy lounge chair without missing major parts of the big game on TV. All you need to do is smile and coax him to part with $695 of his cash, and you're good to go.

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